Solid Horsemanship, Market Savvy, Superior Technology ™

Superior Technology

The strides we have made in the biometric understanding of Thoroughbred performance have led to powerful tools for identifying and training winners. (multiple patent rights and scientific journal publications available for download on bottom right of this web site’s home page). Beyond merely pioneering new technologies, however, EQB has refined the integrated application of these resources to attain a deeper, balanced understanding of a horse’s overall physical condition.

For when it comes to evaluating Thoroughbreds, the capacity to recognize outstanding attributes is only as useful as the degree of sophistication with which you can appraise those attributes in the context of a horse’s total makeup. As such, our multi-pronged approach artfully incorporates traditional methods, such as conformation, with advanced techniques including patented cardiovascular and proprietary gait characteristics analysis.

EQB also developed (working with leading scientists in related fields including MDs, veterinarians, biomechanists, and scientists and full senior professors at major universities –  Harvard, MIT, University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School-New Bolton Center, The U.S. Olympic Sports medicine Committee, etc.) :

  • the first accurate equine on-board heart rate meter and ekg in 1980 (over 30 years ago) –
  • the first aerodynamic jockey silks in 1979. 
  • the first digitized film gait analysis working with US Olympic Sports Medicine Committee members in the early 1980s
  • .the first portable echocardiography ultrasound machine to allow heart measurements at racehorse auctions.
  • the non-invasive bone strength scanner used on humans today (developed for horses first, sold to J&J).

On the whole, EQB has created the world’s largest collection of physical sports medicine data on Thoroughbreds — representing over 50,000 horses from pre-auction to post-career — and no other competitor comes even close to possessing such a detailed and strategically-modeled wealth of information –  nor have they done the rigorous refereed studies on large samples.

{ NOTE: Beware !! there are unscrupulous companies with scientific sounding names (even some veterinarians) out there peddling unproven, undocumented theories. Ask them HOW they know – what research it’s based on. Ask for independent published refereed studies to back up their claims to making money from you. Slick marketing materials are not legitimate research.}